Sami Torstila
Professori (Associate professor)
Professori (Associate professor)
E707 Dept. Finance
Professor Torstila’s research interests are related to finance, politics, and law, as well as empirical corporate finance and investment banking. His research includes work on the effect of political views on investor behavior, structures used in government privatization programs, collusion in IPO underwriting fees, mergers and acquisitions following cross-listings, and EU competition law. His research has been published in three out of the four top-ranking academic journals in Finance: Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, as well as in top journals in other fields such as European Law Review, Journal of International Business, and Management Science.
Full researcher profile
[email protected]
Phone number
Areas of expertise
Finance, Rahoitus, Corporate Finance, Mergers and acquisitions, Yritysrahoitus, Yrityskaupat, Legal issues in Finance, Rahoitusjuridiikka
Honors and awards
McKinsey Finance Teacher of the Year 2021
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Finance
Jan 2021
Award for best Finance master’s thesis of 1995-1996 in Finland
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Finance
Jan 1996
Award for best doctoral dissertation of the year at the Helsinki School of Economics, 2000-01 academic year
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Finance
Jan 2001
Award for best Finance doctoral dissertation 2000-2002 in Finland
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Finance
Jan 2002
Award for best Community of European Management Schools (CEMS) course in 2009 at Aalto University School of Business, CEMS evaluation 4.8/5.0
Award or honor granted for a specific work
Department of Finance
Jan 2009
Prolonged Private Equity Holding Periods
Juha Joenväärä, Juho Mäkiaho, Sami Torstila
Journal of Alternative Investments
Irrevocable Commitments and Tender Offer Outcomes
Tomi Fyrqvist, Elias Rantapuska, Sami Torstila
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Business Outlook and Financing Alternatives of Finnish Entrepreneurs During the COVID-19 Crisis
Mikael Paaso, Vesa Pursiainen, Sami Torstila
Nordic Journal of Business
Stock ownership and political behavior
Markku Kaustia, Samuli Knüpfer, Sami Torstila
Management Science
Stock ownership and political behavior
Markku Kaustia, Samuli Knüpfer, Sami Torstila
Management Science
Is there a future for an efficiency defence in European Union merger control?
Petri Kuoppamäki, Sami Torstila
European Law Review
Stock ownership and political behavior: Evidence from demutualizations
Markku Kaustia, Samuli Knüpfer, Sami Torstila
4th Annual Florida State University Sun Trust Beach Conference, Dandestin, US, April 12-14, 2012
Cross-border relocations of headquarters in Europe
Tomi Laamanen, Tatu Simula, Sami Torstila
Journal of International Business Studies
Stock market aversion? Political preferences and stock market participation
Markku Kaustia, Sami Torstila
Journal of Financial Economics
Do retail incentives work in privatizations?
Matti Keloharju, Samuli Knüpfer, Sami Torstila
Review of Financial Studies