Pekka Lampio

Visiting Scholar
Visiting Scholar
T412 Department of Information and Communications Engineering
Full researcher profile

Research groups

  • Information Theory, Visiting Scholar


Orderly Generation of Butson Hadamard Matrices

Pekka H. J. Lampio, Patric R. J. Ostergard, Ferenc Szollosi 2020 Mathematics of Computation

The quaternary complex Hadamard matrices of orders 10, 12 and 14

Pekka Lampio, Ferenc Szöllösi, Patric Ralf Johan Östergård 2013 Discrete Mathematics

Classification of difference matrices over cyclic groups

Pekka Lampio, Patric R.J. Östergård 2011 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

Classification of difference matrices over cyclic groups

Pekka Lampio 2009 International Conference on Design Theory and Applications, National University of Ireland, Galway, July, 1-3.2009

Naive Physics Simulator Reference Manual

M. Fraunberg, P. Lampio, T. Räty, P. Salonen, J. Tuomas, M. Mäntylä 1994

Naive Physics Simulator

Pekka Lampio, M. Fraunberg, Timo Räty, Pasi Salonen, Jukka Tuomas, M. Mäntylä 1993