Jari Huikku
Professori (Associate professor)
Professori (Associate professor)
E701 Dept. Accounting
My research interests are related to strategic investment decision-making, management control systems, goodwill accounting, forecasting, and academic education.
Full researcher profile
[email protected]
Postal address
Ekonominaukio 1
02150 Espoo
Phone number
Areas of expertise
Capital investment, Capital budgeting, Goodwill, Management control systems
Honors and awards
The best paper award, Massey University
The usefulness of goodwill information to financial analysts: a qualitative approach
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Nov 2022
Huugo Raninen Prize. The best article in the volume 57 (2008) of the Finnish Journal of Business Economics
Managerial uses of post-completion auditing of capital investments
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Jan 2008
The best qualitative paper award, Massey University
Assessing the reliability of self-assessment based post-completion auditing reports
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Nov 2012
The best paper award, Massey University
Assessing the reliability of self-assessment based post-completion auditing reports
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Nov 2012
The best paper award, Lincoln University
Theorising Strategic Investment Decision-Making: A Conceptual Framework based on Strong Structuration Theory
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Laskentatoimen laitos
Nov 2015
Agents’ context-specific conduct in making strategic investment decisions
Jari Huikku, Elaine Harris, Moataz Elmassri, Deryl Northcott
Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change
Explaining changes in students’ approaches to learning : the first course in accounting
Jari Huikku, Markus Mättö, Hannu Ojala
Investigating change and continuity of budgetary target setting from the paradox of embedded agency perspective
Jari Huikku, Tiina Henttu-Aho, Janne Järvinen, Kati Marttila
Subjectifying end customers as life-content-producers: The field of the R&D of medicines
Terhi Chakhovich, Jari Huikku
13th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting
Change and continuity of target setting in a firm’s budget abandonment process
Jari Huikku, Marja Henttu-Aho, Janne Järvinen, Kati Marttila
Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association
Gender differences in the first course in accounting: An achievement goal approach
Jari Huikku, Emma-Riikka Myllymäki, Hannu Ojala
British Accounting Review
The usefulness of goodwill information to financial analysts: a qualitative approach
Jari Huikku, Hanna Silvola, Jan Mouritsen
Explaining changes in students’ approaches to learning – The first course in accounting
Markus Mättö, Jari Huikku, Hannu Ojala
Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association
Change and continuity in a firm’s budget abandonment process
Jari Huikku, Tiina Henttu-Aho, Janne Järvinen, Kati Marttila
Key Criteria in designing a post-completion auditing system
Jari Huikku
Post-completion auditing of investments
Jari Huikku
Sell-Side Analysts’ Valuation Model Choice : A Case Study
Jari Huikku, Aino-Maria Pöyhiä
Nordic Journal of Business
Gender differences in achievement goals for introductory accounting course
Hannu Ojala, Jari Huikku, Emma-Riikka Myllymäki
Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association
Multi-Dimensional Performance Frameworks and Strategic Investment Decisions
Elaine Harris, Deryl Northcott, Moataz Moamen Elmassri, Jari Huikku, Rodrigo Silva de Souza
Expectations and goals for learning accounting: Explaining gender differences in introductory accounting course performance
Jari Huikku, Emma-Riikka Myllymäki, Hannu Ojala
Sell-side analysts’ valuation model choice
Jari Huikku, Aino-Maria Pöyhiä
Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association
The dynamism of pre-decision controls in the appraisal of strategic investments
Jari Huikku, Jouko Karjalainen, Tomi Seppälä
British Accounting Review
Exploring the relationship between advances in performance management and strategic investment decision-making
Elaine Harris, Deryl Northcott, Moataz Moamen Elmassri, Jari Huikku
Conference of the European Network for Research in Organisational and Accounting Change
Relative reliability and the recognisable firm: Calculating goodwill impairment value
Jari Huikku, Jan Mouritsen, Hanna Silvola
Accounting, Organizations and Society
The Dynamism of pre-dicision controls in the appraisal of strategic investments
Jari Huikku, Tomi Seppälä, Jouko Karjalainen
Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association
The role of a predictive analytics project initiator in the integration of financial and operational forecasts
Jari Huikku, Timo Hyvönen, Janne Järvinen
Baltic Journal of Management
Theorising strategic investment decision-making using strong structuration theory
Elaine Pamela Harris, Deryl Northcott, Moataz Moamen Elmassri, Jari Huikku
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
The construction of persuasiveness of self-Assessment-based post-completion auditing reports
Jari Huikku, Kari Lukka
Accounting and Business Research
Financial Accounting as Epistemic Object: Users' Prosumption of Goodwill Impairment Value Calculations
Hanna Silvola, J. Mouritsen, Jari Huikku
Financial Reporting and Auditing as Social and Organizational Practice
Theorising strategic investment decision-making
Elaine Harris, Deryl Northcott, Moataz El-Massri, Jari Huikku
10th Conference of the European Network for Research in Organisational and Accounting Change (ENROAC), Galway, Ireland, 3-4 June, 2015
Theorising strategic investment decision-making: a conceptual framework based on strong structuration theory
Elaine Harris, Moataz El-Massri, Jari Huikku
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal workshop on strong structuration theory, Glasgow, UK, April 27, 2015
Theorising strategic investment decision-making: a conceptual framework based on strong structuration theory
Elaine Harris, Deryl Northcott, Moataz El-Massri, Jari Huikku
9th Annual New Zealand Management Accounting Conference (NZMAC 2015), Christchurch, New Zealand, 19-20 November, 2015
Business intelligence, predictive analytics and management accounting: a field study
Jari Huikku, Timo Hyvönen, Janne Järvinen
10th Conference of the European Network for Research in Organisational and Accounting Change (ENROAC), Galway, Ireland, 3-4 June, 2015
The construction of persuasiveness of self-assessment based post-completion auditing reports
Jari Huikku, Kari Lukka
38th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), Glasgow, UK, 28-30 April, 2015
Persuasiveness of self-assessment based post-completion auditing reports
Jari Huikku, Kari Lukka
Management Control Association / Macorg Symposium, Paris, France, 11-12 September, 2014
Data manipulation in the context of self-assessment based post-completion auditing
Jari Huikku
Monforma 2013, Monash University Forum for Management Accounting, Melbourne, Australia, 27-29 November, 2013
Data manipulation of accounting reports: Case post-completion auditing of capital investments
Jari Huikku
7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Barcelona, Spain, September 18-20, 2013
Decision-making usefulness of goodwill impairment testing
Hanna Silvola, Jari Huikku, Jan Mouritsen
Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Reykjavik, Iceland, 21-23 August, 2013
Assessing the reliability of self-assessment based post-completion auditing reports
Jari Huikku
8th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Brussels, Belgium, December 12-14, 2012
Assessing the reliability of self-assessment based post-completion auditing reports
Jari Huikku
Auckland Region Accounting 11th Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 30th Novemeber, 2012
Liikearvon arvonalentumistestaus - voiko lukuihin luottaa?
Jari Huikku, Hanna Silvola
Miksi liikearvon arvonalentumiskirjauksia ei tule?
Jari Huikku, Hanna Silvola
Onko liikearvon arvonalentumisen testauksella merkitystä?
Jari Huikku, Hanna Silvola
The dynamism of pre-decision controls in the appraisal of strategic manufacturing investments
Jari Huikku, Jouko Karjalainen, Tomi Seppälä
6th Annual New Zealand Management Accounting Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 22-23 November, 2012
The dynamism of pre-decision controls in the appraisal of strategic manufacturing investments
Jari Huikku, Jouko Karjalainen, Tomi Seppälä
Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference MAR 2012, Helsinki, Finland, June 13-15, 2012
The production of numbers about the future: the case of impairment testing of goodwill
Jari Huikku, Jan Mouritsen, Hanna Silvola
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Cardiff, U. K., 11-13 July, 2012
Value relevance of goodwill impairment testing?
Jari Huikku, Jan Mouritsen, Hanna Silvola
8th Interdisciplinary workshop on "Intangibles, intellectual capital & extra-financial information", Grenoble, France, September 27-28, 2012
Production and consumption of numbers about the future: The case of impairment testing goodwill
Hanna Silvola, Jari Huikku, Jan Mouritsen
35th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-11 May, 2012
Design of a post-completion auditing system for organizational learning
Jari Huikku
Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
Impairment testing of goodwill: Trusting numbers about the future?
Jari Huikku, Jan Mouritsen, Hanna Silvola
Accounting, Organizations and Society: Financial Reporting as Social and Organizational Practice, London, UK, December 12-13, 2011
Postcompletion auditing of capital investments
Jari Huikku
Capital budgeting valuation : financial analysis for today's investment projects
Design of post-completion auditing system for organizational learning
Jari Huikku
EAA 32nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Tampere, Finland, 12-15 May, 2009
Menestyvä oppii investoinneistaan
Jari Huikku
Viisas raha
Post-Completion Auditing of Capital Investments and Organizational Learning
J. Huikku
Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
Benefits from post-completion auditing of capital investments
Jari Huikku
EAA 31st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 23-25 April, 2008
Design of post-completion auditing system as a platform for organizational learning
Jari Huikku
6th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Brussels, Belgium, 15-17 December, 2008
Managerial uses of post-completion auditing of capital investments
J. Huikku
Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
Explaining the Non-Adoption of Post-Completion Auditing
J. Huikku
European Accounting Review
Post-completion auditing of capital investments: the influence of motives on design
Jari Huikku
EAA 29th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Dublin, Ireland, April 22-24, 2006
Examining non-adoption of post-completion auditing of capital investments
Jari Huikku
EAA 28th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 18-20, 2005
The Interdependence of Motives and Design of Post-Completion Auditing of Capital Investments
Jari Huikku
7th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference (MAR), Tampere, Finland, May 30th - June 1st, 2005
Post-completion auditing of capital investments in practice: Empirical evidence of the biggest Finnish industrial corporations
Jari Huikku
EAA 27th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Prague, Czech Republic, April 1-3, 2004