Ilkka Niemelä

U900 Leadership, joint units

llkka Niemelä, D.Sc. (Tech.), (b. 1961) has served as Professor of Computer Science at Helsinki University of Technology, Head of the Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science, and Chair of the Degree programme in Computer Science and Engineering. The research group led by Niemelä has developed new methods for automated reasoning and constraint programming for solving challenging computational problems and explored various applications related to these methods. He has served as Dean of the Aalto University School of Science, as the University’s Vice President responsible for academic affairs, as Provost and as Deputy President. His international experience covers several visiting positions in different universities and research institutes and he holds several academic positions of trust.

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Honors and awards

Superior of the year at Helsinki University of Technology

Superior of the year at Helsinki University of Technology 2007 (Teknillisen korkeakoulun vuoden esimies 2007).
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference, COIN Jan 2007

The annual dissertation award of the Finnish Society for Computer Science for a distinguished doctoral dissertation in Computer Science

The annual dissertation award of the Finnish Society for Computer Science for a<br/>distinguished doctoral dissertation in Computer Science in 1993.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference, COIN Jan 1993

Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland

Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland, 2015
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Jan 2015

20 Year Test of Time Paper Award

20 Year Test of Time Paper Award, International Conference on Logic Programming, for the article “Efficient Implementation of the Well-founded and Stable Model Semantics”
Award or honor granted for a specific work Oct 2016

EurAI Fellow

The EurAI (European Association for Artificial Intelligence) Fellows Program honors only a very small percentage of the total membership of all EurAI member societies (up to a maximum of 3%).
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Leadership, joint units Aug 2013

Research groups

  • Computer Science Professors, Professor


Applying Visible Strong Equivalence in Answer-Set Program Transformations

Jori Bomanson, Tomi Janhunen, Ilkka Niemelä 2020 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic

The Answer Set Programming Paradigm

Tomi Janhunen, Ilkka Niemelä 2016 AI Magazine

Cumulativity Tailored for Non-Monotonic Reasoning

Tomi Janhunen, Ilkka Niemelä 2015 Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation, Leipzig, Germany, February 4, 2015

Introducing Real Variables and Integer Objective Functions to Answer Set Programming

Guohua Liu, Tomi Janhunen, Ilkka Niemelä 2014 International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, INAP 2013, Kiel, 11-13 September, 2013

Bounded Model Checking of an MITL Fragment for Timed Automata

Roland Kindermann, Tommi Junttila, Ilkka Niemelä 2013 13th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD), July 8-10, Barcelona, Spain

Simulating Parity Reasoning

Tero Laitinen, Tommi Junttila, Ilkka Niemelä 2013 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, LPAR-19, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 15-19th December 2013

Translating Answer-Set Programs into Bit-Vector Logic

Mai Nguyen, Tomi Janhunen, Ilkka Niemelä 2013 19th International Conference, INAP 2011 and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2011, Vienna, September 28-30, 2011

Solving Parity Games by a Reduction to SAT

Keijo Heljanko, Misa Keinänen, Martin Lange, Ilkka Niemelä 2012 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES

Applying Visible Strong Equivalence in Answer-Set Program Transformations

Tomi Janhunen, Ilkka Niemelä 2012 Correct Reasoning - Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honour of Vladimir Lifschitz

Beyond Lassos: Complete SMT-Based Bounded Model Checking for Timed Automata

Roland Kindermann, Tommi Junttila, Ilkka Niemelä 2012 FMOODS FORTE IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems (FMOODS/FORTE 2012) FMOODS FORTE, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-16, 2012