Aija Staffans

Project Researcher
Project Researcher
T213 Built Environment
Full researcher profile
Phone number

Areas of expertise

Maankäyttö, Kumppanuuskaavoitus, Kampuskehitys, Otaniemi, Oppimisympäristöt, Vaikuttavat asukkaat, Oppiva kaupunkisuunnittelu, Kestävä yhdyskunta, Osallistuva suunnittelu, Urban planning, Sustainable development, Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu, ABE Aalto Built Environment Lab, Learning environments, OPUS, Smart city planning, Smart and livable city, Systems thinking, Situation awareness, Participation

Honors and awards

Oppikirjapalkinto Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Finland

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2009

Research groups

  • Planning and Transportation, Postdoctoral Researcher


Greening the compact city: Unarticulated tensions and incremental advances in municipal climate action plans

Ranja Hautamäki, Tuulia Puustinen, Tiina Merikoski, Aija Staffans 2024 Cities

Toteutuvatko Ryhti-hankkeen tavoitteet?

Pilvi Nummi, Aija Staffans 2024 Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu

3D visualisations for communicative urban and landscape planning: What systematic mapping of academic literature can tell us of their potential?

Salla Eilola, Kaisa Jaalama, Petri Kangassalo, Pilvi Nummi, Aija Staffans, Nora Fagerholm 2023 LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING

Digitalizing planning culture: A change towards information model-based planning in Finland

Pilvi Nummi, Aija Staffans, Otso Helenius 2023 Journal of Urban Management

Growth target as a barrier to knowledge integration and provision of alternative scenarios in urban planning

Tiina Merikoski, Aija Staffans, Simo Syrman 2022 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Narrowing the Implementation Gap : User-Centered Design of New E-Planning Tools

Pilvi Nummi, Viktorija Prilenska, Kristi Grisakov, Henna Fabritius, Laugren Ilves, Petri Kangassalo, Aija Staffans, Xunran Tan 2022 International Journal of E-Planning Research

Smart City Planning Hub (the Hub) as a Place for Digitally Aided Participation and Collaboration

Viktorija Prilenska, Pilvi Nummi, Kristi Grisakov, Aija Staffans 2022