
OtaNano Open Publishing and Data Policy

Instructions for acknowledgement included.
Whiteboard drawings from LTL
Image: Alexander Savin.
  1. OtaNano devices are owned by Aalto and VTT. Owner of individual device is responsible for the management of the data produced by the device or related to it.
  2. OtaNano research infrastructure doesn’t own the data and images produced by using the devices. Their ownership is defined by the guideline, orders, confidentiality requirements, contractual or other legal obligations binding the user or his/her home organization. Device specific recipes, log data and statistical process control data are owned by the owner of the particular device, Aalto University (Aalto) or VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT).
  3. OtaNano host organizations Aalto and VTT, take best reasonably achievable steps to ensure that the digital research material (later data) produced using OtaNano’s devices is available to share with minimal effort, and on the decision of the data owner. This includes data storage and backup that allows data recovery.
  4. OtaNano users are instructed to always transfer their measurement data from the temporary storage to a location that aligns with the data management regulations of their home organisation. This can be e.g. a mobile memory device or network drive, depending on the experimental device and the agreement with the user’s home organisation.
  5. OtaNano users are requested to provide open access to any publications and related research data generated by using the infrastructure. Field specific data repositories are recommended. If no field specific repository exists, we recommend the general European repository Zenodo. Authors should further verify that the acknowledged publications are included the research information systems of their home university and that all OtaNano publications are openly searchable.
  6. OtaNano users are requested to appropriately acknowledge the use of OtaNano in all publications and datasets that have benefitted from the use of the research infrastructure. This applies to journal articles, presentations and theses. For publications without an 'Acknowledgements' section, the attribution to OtaNano should be made either as a footnote to the title, or included as a reference when the work is described in the 'Experimental' section.
  7. OtaNano requires all users to follow the guidelines on good scientific practice, issued by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and research ethics guidelines of their discipline and home organizations, as well as valid legislation.

Recommended license for opening data

Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0 is recommended to maximise re-use of data produced by using OtaNano. Other licenses can be adapted to comply with possible restrictions on openness. 

Instructions for acknowledgement

In all possible variations, the word "OtaNano" should always be included. You may also include the more detailed site information "Micronova", "Nanomicroscopy Center" or "Low Temperature Laboratory" and/or name of the host organization "Aalto University" or "VTT" as long as you also mention OtaNano. Otherwise you are welcome to use any acknowledgement that suits your preferences. To make it easier, here are some suggested examples of attribution:

  1. "We acknowledge the provision of facilities by Aalto University at OtaNano - Micronova Nanofabrication Centre."
  2. "We acknowledge the provision of facilities and technical support by Aalto University at OtaNano - Nanomicroscopy Center (Aalto-NMC)."
  3. "This research was undertaken at the OtaNano - Low Temperature Laboratory of Aalto University."
  4. "Part of the research was performed at the OtaNano - Micronova Nanofabrication Centre of VTT."
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