
Open access principles

Welcome to use the facilities and tools of OtaNano. Both academic and industrial experts are qualified in getting the access.

OtaNano’s access policy follows the guidelines set in ”European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures”. The full access policy will be published later, but is based on the open access principles of OtaNano:

  1. Access to OtaNano is open for academic researchers and industry professionals in need of facilities for research or product development in the domains of micro and nanotechnology. Access is equally open for national and international parties.
  2. All users share an equal right to reserve and use the tools. A quota of 50% of daytime hours is reserved for the owners of the infrastructure, if necessary. Certain tools are accessible only through service.
  3. An internal scientific advisory panel supports the facility managers with scientific peer-review of the candidate users when necessary. The panel is appointed by the OtaNano Steering Board.
  4. The current rates and for certain tools the pricing principles of the instruments are available in the reservation system.
  5. The prerequisite for the access is the introductory training for the facilities. The training is organized either regularly or on a need-to-have basis. The operation of the tools require operators’ licenses, which are granted on a similar basis. The training may be subject to fees.
  6. Access to certain areas of the infrastructure requires an agreement between OtaNano’s host organization(s) and the organization sending the user. In these cases also a personal user commitment or a visitor contract with the individual user is needed.
  7. The access to the infrastructure is facilitated by the user support provided in a form of permanent RI staff (senior and staff scientists and engineers and technicians) and through equipment-dedicated main users (more experienced users of the RI). The user support is subject to charges.

How to get access?

User access to OtaNano gives you possibility to use the facilities and tools of OtaNano and to benefit from the expertise of competent OtaNano staff. Both academic and industrial experts are qualified in getting the access - this is equally valid for both Finnish and international experts.

To get the access - please follow the following simple rules:

1. Select which facility you would like to use

2. Request the facility training

3. For cleanroom facilities - sign a personal user commitment.

In addition, we need a contract with your home organization.

4. Attend to the trainings

After training, you are granted the licence to use the facilities and our staff is happy to assist you in all practical matters.

OtaNano Contact Information

Contact points for the OtaNano Research Infrastructure

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