
NPHarvest goes Sweden and back in 2021

I took the pilot to Sweden and survived!
NPHarvest pilot in Recolab
Juho installing module

Year 2021 was an exciting one for NPHarvest. We were invited to operate our pilot in a brand-new pilot part Recolab in Helsingborg, Sweden. In collaboration we worked with researchers from Lund University, which was immensely helpful.

We had two goals for the excursion. On the other hand we wanted to perform a longer piloting period to analyze the durability of the membranes and the equipment. Hydrophobicity loss was particularly interesting. Then on the other hand we wanted to understand if our process and its potential applications are truly environmentally sustainable (financial sustainability was confirmed already). A life cycle assessment study was conducted to analyze the environmental impacts.

The year in Sweden was a wonderful experience, both on professional and personal level. As I was operating the pilot alone, I required and received – and received – a lot of support. My host in Helsingborg, NSVA and Hamse Kjerstadius, allowed access to NSVA’s resources at my disposal. This was critical when the pilot broke (which it did many times). But with their help I was able to repair and maintain the pilot!

Lund University and all associating organization provided me an office and a lab where I analyzed samples. The staff there have created an inspiring environment, especially Karin Jönssön, Sofia Högstrand and Tobias Ellingsen deserve a special thanks!

Our results were great! The membranes did not lose any performance not suffer from mechanical wear. LCA study identified hotspots that we need to design around. We also made a cool video about our piloting, check it out!

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