
Unite! Seed Fund Awards Funding to Eight Applications with Aalto University's Involvement

The first application round of the Unite! seed fund took place in May 2023. Unite! received 30 applications in total from the nine universities of the alliance for the Teaching & Learning and Research & PhD categories. Aalto University was involved in sixteen of these, eight got funded.
The image shows a jar of coins with a green plant growing from it. Text Unite! Seed Fund 2023.

The seed fund is a new initiative of Unite! to stimulate and support bottom-up proposals by teachers, researchers and students for collaborative activities and help form sustainable academic and student communities across the nine Unite! universities.

Unite! wants to activate the co-creation of e.g. joint research projects, study offers, blended intensive programmes, long-term collaborations in teaching and/or research units as well as extra-curricular or intercultural activities by students.

In both 'Teaching & Learning' as well as 'Research & PhD' categories, Aalto was involved in eight applications, four of which (in both catogories) got funded. Aalto coordinates two of them. 

Accepted proposals where Aalto is involved

In the Teaching and Learning category:

  1. Effectively enhancing teaching and learning of ‘Fluid Power and Systems’ in Higher Education
    Partners: Aalto, TU Darmstadt, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Wrocław University of Science and Technology
    Contacts at Aalto: Petri Kuosmanen and Jyrki Kajaste, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering
  2. Crossroads of Speech and Language - Teaching 
    Partners: Aalto, Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management - University Grenoble Alpes, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Politecnico Di Torino, Graz University of Technology, TU Darmstadt, Universidade de Lisboa , Wrocław University of Science and Technology
    Contact at Aalto: Tom Bäckström, Department of Information & Communications Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering
  3. Joint Space Technology seminar Space Tech UNITE!
    Partners: Aalto, Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management - University Grenoble Alpes, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Politecnico Di Torino, Universidade de Lisboa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech
    Aalto is the coordinator, Contact: Jaan Praks, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, School of Electrical Engineering
  4. Unite! OER courses- An initiative to develop competencies for Open Science within Unite!
    Partners:  Aalto, Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management - University Grenoble Alpes, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Politecnico Di Torino, Graz University of Technology, TU Darmstadt, Universidade de Lisboa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Wrocław University of Science and Technology
    Contact at Aalto: Ruben Vicente-Saez, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, School of Science

In the Research and PhD category: 

  1. Fostering Innovation Ecosystems for a Green Mobility Transition
    Partners: Aalto, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Graz University of Technology
    Aalto: Esko Hakanen, Joel Wolff and Jani-Pekka Jokinen, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, School of Science
  2. Crossroads of Speech and Language – Research
    Partners: Aalto, Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management - University Grenoble Alpes, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Politecnico Di Torino, Graz University of Technology, TU Darmstadt, Universidade de Lisboa , Wrocław University of Science and Technology
    Contact at Aalto: Tom Bäckström, Department of Information & Communications Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering
  3. Selective molecular O2 reduction catalysts, from homogenous to heterogeneous systems Partners: Aalto, Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management - University Grenoble Alpes, TU Darmstadt
    Contact at Aalto: Tanja Kallio, Department Of Chemistry and Material Science, School of Chemical Engineering
  4. Sustainable Land-Use and Mobility Policies and Practices in urban regions (SLUMP)
    Partners: Aalto, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Politecnico Di Torino, Universidade de Lisboa
    Aalto is the coordinator, contacts: Dominic Stead, Raine Mäntysalo, Department of Built Environment, School of Engineering

Next application round opens in March 2024

The next round of applications takes place in spring 2024. Applications for Teaching & Learning and Research & PhD seed fund

  • must include at least three Unite! universities
  • up to 10 000 Euros for "exploration" activities like for establishing contacts and formulating collaboration ideas
  • up to 80 000 Euros for development activities like building blended/joint courses or developing joint research proposals

Student projects get funding from Unite!

Unite!, the alliance of nine European universities, will fund two student projects - one on rocketry and a reading club.

Read more
students and a book shelf

Questions? Be in touch with Unite!'s Key Liaison Officer at Aalto

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