
TRP-HEA Kick-off

Scientists and Engineers Met to Discuss the Future of High Entropy Alloys

As part of the Aalto Science Institute sponsored Thematic Research Program, an array of talented individuals gathered at the Hanaholmen Cultural Centre in Hanasaari, Espoo for the Kick-off Meeting of the AScI: TRP-HEA, High Entropy Alloys project. The morning featured talks from a number of specially selected guest speakers including Dr Zhiming Li (MPIE, Germany), Prof. Annick Hubin (VUB, Belgium) and Dr. Gilles Adjanor (EDF, France) who covered areas like HEA manufacturing and mechanical characterisation, corrosion and potential uses of HEAs as part of nuclear power infrastructure. Other talks within the session featured the local talents of Dr. Flyura Djurabekova (Helsinki University) and Dr. Anssi Laukkanen (VTT) who demonstrated how computational techniques are used to determine both radiation and mechanical damage to HEA-like materials. In the afternoon, group discussions were held that try to formulate answers to the outstanding questions related to future HEA applications, material properties and potential recyclability.        

Prof. Filip Tuomisto outlining the key aims of the TRP-HEA project.

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