
Towards a national design information center - survey in Finnish

The promotion of Finnish design will be boosted in the near future when a design information centre will be established in Finland.
Suomalaisen muotoilun menestystekijät

The promotion of Finnish design will be boosted in the near future when a design information centre will be established in Finland.

It strengthens the visibility of Finnish design domestically and internationally. We invite you to take part in a survey, the results of which will be used to clarify the tasks of the information centre and thus to develop the design sector.

The survey is in Finnish, and replying takes approximately 10–15 minutes. Answers are anonymous. Please reply by September 24th. The results will be published this fall.

Please note that we’ll be conducting another survey in English later in the autumn.

The information centre project serves the development of the entire design industry in Finland, and the project members are Aalto University, Design Forum Finland, Design Museum, Grafia ry, Helsinki Design Week (Luovi Productions Oy) and Ornamo ry.

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New project aims to strengthen the visibility of the field of design in Finland and beyond. The project will bring different institutions and actors closer to each other.

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