The data and mobile networks of Aalto University are being developed for research needs
A mobile network utilizing LTE technology, called Netleap, functions in the Otaniemi area, built cooperatively by Nokia and Aalto University. The network functions in the OIH building and the outdoors area of Teekkarikylä, among other locations. The wish is to develop Netleap network during 2018 and extend its range. To get involved in the development of Netleap network, contact of IT Services’ IT solutions for Research.
To name an example, TAKE-5 research project, which examines 5G, utilizes Netleap network.
The Department of Communications and Networking has acquired hardware for the generation of high-speed, IP-based test traffic. The hardware is physically installed at the Department of Communications and Networking, but the service can be used anywhere in the Aalto University area. The service will be made available during the course of the spring.
Elisa Oyj has updated the mobile network in the Otaniemi area to support Narrow Band technology (NB IoT). NB technology enables the transfer of data through the mobile network using an extremely small amount of energy. This enables battery-powered IoT devices to work continuously for multiple years without a battery change, for example.
The IT Services provides network infrastructure tailored specifically for research needs, for example a network closed from other users. Research groups can obtain governance over a virtual router or firewall. IT Services can also supply optical fiber, telecommunications cabling and switching infrastructure for efficient data transfer.
If you would like to participate in the development of data and mobile networks, or you’d like more information, contact:
Aalto University's IT Solutions for Research
Niko Suominen ([email protected])
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