
TCN Lab News

Here we publish our latest news, information about lab events, and share our recent achievements
Aalto Building view from outside

Recent news

23.05.2024 Juha Salmitaival, Timo Niskanen and Gautam Vishwanath received a Research to Business grant from Business Finland for AR4U project. In this project, they will develop a proof of concept for an augmented reality solution to support elderly individuals.

25.04.2024 Our PhD student Matias Piispanen received grants from Emil Aaltosen Foundation. Congratulations!

16.11.2023 Our PhD students Liya Merzon and Sofia Tauriainen received grants from Väisälän rahasto. Congratulations!

01.11.2023 Translational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab is again actively participating in arrangements of Learning and Plasticity meeting - LaP2024

28.10.2023 Journalist from Ilta-Sanomat came to make story about our experience where participants with higher or lower amount of narcissistic traits came to our lab for a brain scan. You can read the article on Ilta-Sanomat

03.05.2023 Our PhD student Liya Merzon received grants from Kaute Foundation. Congratulations! 

03.05.2023 Our PhD student Matias Piispanen received grants from Emil Aaltosen Foundation. Congratulations!

28.03.2023 Our laboratory head, Juha Salmitaival, gave his comment for two articles on ADHD and the role played by games, smartphones, and virtual reality in supporting real-life activities and clinical assessment. You can read the articles on Hufvudstadsbladet (in Swedish) and Hello Future - Orange

BBC Arabic operator records our experimenter while working with fMRI images.

24.02.2023 BBC Arabic visited our laboratory. 

31.01.2023 Our PhD student Liya Merzon received grants from Suomen Kulttuurirahasto. Congratulations!

21.12.2022 Several magazines reported our laboratory staff's press release. You can find them on Iltalehti and Ilta Sanomat (in Finnish). 

20.12.2022 New press release by our laboratory staff! You can find it here

10.12.2022 Our PhD student Liya Merzon received grants from Aivosäätiö and Jalmari ja Rauha Ahokkaan säätiö. Congratulations!

16.11.2022 Our PhD student Sofia Tauriainen received grants from Väisälän rahasto. Congratulations!

30.06.2022 Our laboratory head, Juha Salmitaival, gave his comment for an article on ADHD in sports. You can read the article on Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). 

20.04.2022 Our laboratory head, Juha Salmitaival, gave his comment for an article on ADHD. You can read the article on Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). 

18.03.2022 Our laboratory head, Juha Salmitaival, gave his comment for an article on ADHD, published on the University of Helsinki's newspaper (in Finnish). 

11.03.2022 Our laboratory head, Juha Salmitaival, and PhD student Erik Seesjärvi wrote about our VR study of ADHD on Verraton (in Finnish). 

02.02.2022 New article about our latest project: a virtual reality study of ADHD! 

Virtual reality game can assess children's ADHD symptoms

By simulating the challenges of everyday life, a new VR game can help diagnose and perhaps treat ADHD

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Kuva EPELI-virtuaalipelistä

Another press release is published by Mediuutiset and available in Finnish

Highlights of 2020/2021 academic year 

The summary of major news between fall 2020 and summer 2021:

  • Our PhD Student Liya Merzon received grants from Suomen Kulttuurirahasto (Finnish Cultural Foundation) and Psykiatrian Tutkimussäätiö (Psychiatry Research Foundation) in May 2021. Congratulations! 
  • TCN PhD Tuija Tolonen has won a grant from Aivosäätiö (Finnish Brain Foundation). Congratulations! 
  • Read our article on how modern technology can improve assessment and treatment of ADHD disorder for Verraton (a journal of Finnish ADHD association) "Tarkkaavainen tulevaisuus – voiko peliteknologia auttaa parantamaan adhd:n arviointia ja hoitoa?" 
  • In December 2020, TCN PhD student Tuija Tolonen was awarded a grant from the Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation for full-time work on PhD research. Congratulations! 
  • In October 2020, our laboratory head, Juha Salmi, gave his comment for an article on VR- applications for healthcare system. You can read the article on Motiivi website (in Finnish)

Highlights of 2019/2020 academic year 

The summary of major news between summer 2019 and summer 2020:

  • Our collaborator Prof. Anssi Peräkylä received Academy Professor funding for five years. The project Facing Narcissism started on Jan 2019.
  • Juha Salmi(taival) received funding for Academy Fellow project for five years. The project Bringing real-life to attention research started on Sept 2019.
  • Our collaborator Prof. Matti Laine received funding for Academy of Finland project for four years. The project Strategies for Human Memory started on Sept 2019.
  • TCN PhD student Erik Seesjärvi received grants from Instrumentarium Science Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Child Pediatric Research Foundation (Lastentautien tutkimussäätiö), and Aivoliitto (”Brain Foundation”).
  • PhD student Jenni Uimonen (supervised by Juha Salmi) received a grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation.
  • PhD student Liisa Ritakallio (supervised by Juha Salmi) received grants from the Jan-Magnus Jansson Foundation, and Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka.
  • TCN PhD student Erik Seesjärvi was selected to Top 100 Healthcare influencers in Finland by Mediauutiset. 
  • Our first naturalistic ADHD study was published in NeuroImage Special issue Naturalistic Imaging.

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Suvi Hirvonen-Ere
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Public defence: Why has the sustainability break-through been lagging, and how could it be accelerated, and gain profitable business growth?

Suvi Hirvonen-Ere proposes that commercial and contract management will be utilized to accelerate both sustainability targets and economically profitable business growth in the corporate world
Main entrance to the Viima building
Research & Art Published:

Future buildings are both producers and users of energy

An innovative new structure developed at Aalto University improves the efficiency of plate heat exchangers by up to 20%. When connected to a heat pump, it has a wide range of applications, from domestic hot water heating to geothermal installations and ventilation in buildings.
Construction worker looking straight to camera
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Up to 80% of work on construction sites is inefficient, and also safety is affected by constant interruptions

Most of the work carried out on construction sites does not directly affect the actual progress of the work. However, a recent doctoral dissertation found an easy way to improve construction productivity and, at the same time, well-being: monitoring employees' activities.
Concrete staircase leading upstairs, a painting hanging on the wall on the left
Campus, Research & Art, University Published:

Shared imagination and the idea of waves - two new public art collections were unveiled

The art collections of Marsio and Kide buildings were published.