
Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility Lighthouse (EIT RawMaterials)

Future Mobility is powered by Sustainable Raw Materials
Aalto EIT Services Javor

Challenge: Emerging energy and mobility technologies create a strong demand for raw and advanced materials, and for some critical raw materials this demand will dramatically exceed current production in the next 10-15 years. Limited access to these materials and their respective processing capacities might negatively impact the mobility transition, thus reducing the competitiveness of European actors downstream.

Approach: EIT RawMaterials will support innovation and critical knowledge to solve challenges in the mobility sector. This LH focuses on the raw materials and advanced materials for two key innovation trends in mobility: electrification and lightweight design. It coordinates materials-related innovation actions across the mobility value chains with respect to exploration, mining, processing, recycling, substitution, and the implementation of the Circular Economy.

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