
Such great heights

The Otaniemi campus is now dominated by a 43 000-square-metre building site, helmeted professionals and sky-scraping cranes.
The Väre construction site. Photographer: Kalle Kataila.

The tallest building there is Väre. It is due for completion in summer 2018 and will be used by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

Next to Väre is a site for the School of Business, which will be completed in 2019.

The wishes of students and staff have been listened to and both groups have participated in the design of the new facilities.

All of the core functions of Aalto University will be relocated to the Otaniemi campus by 2021. A single shared campus will promote multidisciplinary cooperation and support the birth of fresh innovations.

The new buildings will form a meeting point for the University's students, staff and alumni as well as our partners and area residents. The same block will also include the Metro Centre, which is due for completion in 2018. It will house shops, cafés and other services as well as a metro station that will handle some 12,000 passengers per day once metro services commence.

The buildings will form a significant part of the new centre of Otaniemi that will sit well with the architecture of Alvar Aalto and the other famous designers of the area's older buildings.

Architectural design: Verstas Architects
Builder: SRV

Text: Eeva Lehtinen. Photo: Kalle Kataila.

This article was originally published in the Aalto University Magazine issue 18 (, December 2016.

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