
Staff device orders now handled by esupport selfservice

Staff devices are no longer ordered via HR department or Väre Stations. Orders can be made via esupport selfservice-website. Re-using devices is recommended in order to reduce our ecological footprint.
Someone working on a laptop typing.

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Someone working on a laptop typing.

Henkilökunnan laitetilaukset Artsissa

Väre Stations tarjoaa neuvontaa laitteiden tilaamiseen. Laitteiden uudelleenkäyttöä suositellaan ekologisen jalanjälkemme pienentämiseksi.

Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulun työpajat
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Sekajätekasa Ämmässuon jätteenkäsittelylaitoksella.
Campus, Cooperation, University Published:

Recycling campaign starts on Otaniemi campus

We will launch a waste recycling campaign on the Otaniemi campus in early October. The aim is to increase the recycling rate and reduce the amount of mixed waste.
5 people seen from above in the woods examining something together.
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Keys to your wellbeing series is in Aaltogether

The Aaltogether Keys to your wellbeing series: science-based articles, podcasts, videos, trainings and exercises for the community.
Shaking up tech 2023
Campus, Research & Art, Studies Published:

Shaking up Tech welcomes high school students to campuses in January

The keynote speaker this time is neuroscientist Minna Huotilainen. The purpose of the event is to introduce the field of technology to underrepresented groups.
No entry sign over workshop image
Campus Published:

Holiday breaks and special opening hours at Arts infra

Special opening hours and exceptions at Arts infra workshops.