
South Korean President visited Aalto University

Mr. Moon Jae-in met with startup companies and researchers.
Aalto-yliopiston rehtori Ilkka Niemelä toivottaa Etelä-Korean presidentin Moon Jae-inin tervetulleeksi vierailulle Aaltoon päärakennuksen ovella. Kuva: Heli Sorjonen / Aalto-yliopisto

The President of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Moon Jae-in, visited Aalto University as part of his state visit to Finland on 10 June. He was welcomed to Aalto University by President Ilkka Niemelä.

During the visit, the President and his delegation met technology startup companies and researchers of 5G technology.  The VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland participated in the event and presented the Smart Otaniemi project.

Photos: Heli Sorjonen / Aalto University

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