Second bIoTope Open Call launched
This bIoTope Open Call is targeted for start-ups, SMEs, companies or research institutes/organizations in the areas of Smart City services, environment, mobility, smart housing and citizen involvement.
The funded activities include:
- bIoTope Use Case support as hardware and/or software providers for data collection and analysis and integration to bIoTope System of Systems platform
- Coordination, communication and consulting activities for Use Case implementation and expansion
The call will be closed on 30th of April 2018. Check for more information on the Open Call website or contact [email protected]
bIoTope project:
Aalto University is the coordinator of bIoTope project (Building an IoT open innovation ecosystem for connected smart objects), one of several projects that comprise the IoT European Platform Initiative (IoT-EPI) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme. The bIoTope project lays the foundation for creating open innovation ecosystems by providing a platform that enables companies to easily create new IoT systems and to rapidly harness available information using advanced Systems-of-Systems (SoS) capabilities for Connected Smart Objects – with minimal investment.
Open Call information:
Project full name: Building an IoT open innovation ecosystem for connected smart objects
Project acronym: bIoTope
Call identifier: bIoTope 2
Call title: bIoTope Open Call 2
Grant agreement number: 688203
Publication Date: 1st February 2018
Deadline: 30th April 2018 at 17:00 (CET)
Expected duration of participation: 12 months
Indicative budget for the call: € 371,000
Maximum funding request per proposal: € 60,000
Submission language: English
Web address for full open call information:
Web address for proposal submissions:
E-mail: [email protected]
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