
Save the lunch! Buy surplus food

You can buy surplus food at some Sodexo and Fazer restaurants on campuses in Otaniemi, Töölö and Arabia.

Food is sold 10-15 minutes before lunch time ends, if there is any left. 

Prices are very reasonable, check them from your restaurant. Sodexo restaurants offer a 50% student discount. Restaurant will give you a package, you can also bring your own similar sized box.

When you purchase surplus lunch, please keep in mind:
-      Eat food immediately or place it in the fridge
-      Do not store food at room temperature.

You can buy lunch food in the following restaurants:

Otaniemi, Fazer: Alvari, Dipoli, Tuas
Otaniemi, Sodexo: Kasper, Kone, Kvarkki, OIH, Tietotalo, Valimo
Töölö, Fazer: Rafla, Chydenia
Arabia, Fazer: Meccala

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