
Q&As 05/2018: Demo site published

Answers to questions concerning the new site

What is a demo site?

The demo site is a draft version of the site. It is the work-in-progress version that we are developing so that we can publish it in June as a Beta.

Who can visit the demo site?

The demo site is open to the Aalto community, i.e. to those with an Aalto ID.

What comes after the demo site?

The demo site is followed by a beta version, which will be accessible to everyone, internal and external stakeholders. The final version of the new site will be published on 30 September, when the old and Inside will be archived.

What are the deadlines to note?

The three most important dates to remember now are:

  • Fri 8 Jun demo texts reviewed, edited and approved ready for translations
  • Fri 15 Jun beta site published
  • Sun 30 Sep new goes live and the old and Inside are archived

Who can see an unpublished page?

Those with editing rights, as well as site administrators.

Is there a list of tags and can you add tags?

Yes. Tags define where an article will be shown. For instance, an article can be tagged with 'sustainability and 'campus' when the article is hosted in one hub and mirrored to the other. This secures better accuracy, consistency and up-to-date information. All the tags can be seen when editing tags.

A secondary tag list will help targeting different hubs. Later on in the project, you can suggest new tags which will be reviewed by the project team in order to, for example, avoid duplicates and spelling mistakes.

Will the 'Created by' field be visible to everyone?

Yes, but how that specific field will be shown, is still under discussion. The main reason for this field is to assist the reader to contact the right person or unit for more information on the subject concerned. One of the ideas, for how this field would work, is for the content owner or editor to be able to decide which contact details will be shown per each content or even to hide it, though this is not recommended. It does not need to be a single person's contact details, it can also be a unit's email address.

What are the image sizes on the new platform?

The bigger the better, however there is a limit of 10 Mb per image. We wish to portray the university also with images that are of the best quality. The Drupal system will resize images for you, when necessary. It will also crop the images, so you don't need to do that in Photoshop beforehand.

What about printing a page?

Optimising it has not been done, as yet, but will be done later.

How have you solved a page with multiple sub-pages?

There are no pages nor sub-pages any longer. The new site structure is based on hubs. The whole site has gone through a complete overhaul. Content is mirrored to different, relevant other hubs, so no sub-pages are necessary.

Do I have a right to edit everything in the demo version?

Yes. However, it will take a little while before the user rights are granted. They will be a few hours' waiting period, as the rights are given in the order they have been received. You are advised to edit your own content, only.

Who decides who get the rights?

The project team does, at least for the moment. This is to see, what kind of editing rights there are and for which areas on the site.

Which browser is recommended to use for the demo?

Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Internet Explorer and Edge are not recommended browsers.

Can I create new content, articles?

Now, the focus is on reviewing, editing and approving content for translation. Creating articles is possible later on, not for the demo site.

How can I add attachments?

They have not been included when creating the demo site. This is something you, as content owners and editors, will be able to do later. Now, it's just best to concentrate on the text content.

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