
Patrick Rinke appointed Visiting Professor - Honorary Fellow at TU Munich

The 2017 August-Wilhelm Scheer visiting professorship at Technical University Munich (TUM) has been awarded to physics professor Patrick Rinke.

Rinke was awarded the visiting professorship at TUM, named for Professor August-Wilhelm Scheer, a renowned German pioneer in the field of computer science. The award is given to scientists with an outstanding international reputation who wish to engage in an intensive and sustainable collaboration with the university's researchers in Munich.

Rinke will have the opportunity to visit Professor Karsten Reuter, Chair of Theoretical Chemistry at TUM, and collaborate with Reuter's group in the coming year (August 2017-August 2018). 

August-Wilhelm Scheer professors are expected to enrich the vibrant research culture at TUM by virtue of innovative approaches and to explore new, cutting-edge research fields. 

In addition to the professorship, Rinke's appointment awards him the title "Honorary Fellow" into the prestigious TUM Institute for Advanced Study.

For more information about the international and interdisciplinary research institute: Institute for Advanced Study.

Please also visit August-Wilhelm Scheer's site (available only in German).

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