
Otaniemi already has 1,800 metres of track

The construction of Jokeri Light Rail is under way in Otaniemi. A total of 1,800 metres of track has already been laid on Maarintie, Maarinrannatie and on Lahdenpohjanraitio next to Ring Road I.
Picture: Raide-Jokeri

Next, the construction of the track in Otaniemi will continue on Vaisalantie and Ainonaukio and Korkeakoulunaukio.

The rails will be transported to the construction sites in segments that are approximately 18 metres in length. The transportation and laying of the rails requires a large amount of space, due to which the construction may cause temporary traffic interruptions. To ensure smooth traffic flow and safety, construction may also be carried out at night. Local residents will be informed in advance of construction taking place at night.

After the laying of the rails, work on the streets will proceed to other tasks, including the construction of the rail line’s surface structures and other street segments.

The Otaniementie end of Miestentie was closed to motor traffic in early September. The construction work at the intersection of Miestentie and Otaniementie will last for approximately eight months. Pedestrian and bicycle access will remain around Miestentie throughout the construction project, but it will be rerouted according to different stages of construction. Signs will be posted to instruct pedestrians and cyclists on Otaniementie.

Work on water services, district heating welding and operator piping will be conducted on Otaniementie. The electric railway foundation work on Korkeakoulunaukio and Ainonaukio has been completed. Compensation pipes will be put in place in Ainonaukio. Pedestrian and bicycle access will remain around Korkeakoulunaukion ja Ainonaukion throughout the construction project, but it will be rerouted according to different stages of construction

Finishing work will be conducted at the intersection of Konemiehentie and Tietotie. Track work and greenery planting will be conducted on Maarinrannantie.

More information Raide-Jokeri

Text: Raide-Jokeri

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