
Organisational change of Learning Centre planned

Responding to changing needs of customers and operating environment

An organisational change of the Aalto University Learning Centre (Library) is being planned in response to changes in customer needs and the operating environment, brought on particularly by digitalisation and campus development.

Services are planned to be organized based on customer groups and their needs. As this may cause changes to job descriptions, the Learning Centre will start statutory employer-employee negotiations for the affected 62 Learning Centre employees. The goal is not to reduce personnel: all current employees of the Learning Centre will be offered work in the new organisation.

The use of printed material has decreased significantly among Learning Centre customers. Aalto University wishes to continue to serve the whole University community: to meet the diverse needs of the students, who are at the centre of the University operations, to advise researchers in publishing, in practising open science and in storing data, and to provide analysed data for the needs of the University management. In addition, we want to be able to offer flexible workspaces for academic work.

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