
Objective discussions 2018 starting

The objective discussion round is a clear sign that spring is approaching.

The focus will be specifically on agreeing on objectives for the upcoming period. 

The objectives should be in line with common objectives  and clearly defined in order to estimate workload & resources needed to implement them. The objective discussion provides a good opportunity for building shared understanding of role & expectations, planning work time allocation together &  discussing on workload. 

For teaching and research staff special focus will be in teaching loads and compiling a work plan, which is a tool to concretize targets and allocating working time. Working time for the next academic year is allocated to key areas: teaching and student guidance, research and artistic activity and service (societal impact).  

The objective discussions are also a good opportunity for sharing feedback, reflecting own performance & competence and planning own development. Aalto offers lot of formal training to support personnel development: Upcoming training & courses

Objective discussions take place primarily between February and April.  Work plans have to be documented by June 30th.

Please remember that continuous discussion & feedback is key for success and you can update the plans during the  year if duties or working hours change substantially.  

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