
Night work at Raide-Jokeri construction site during July

Night work will be done at Raide-Jokeri light rail construction site during July. The noisiest stages will be completed before 22:00.
Raide-jokeri logo

On Otaniementie at the Raide-Jokeri light rail construction site, rail welding will be carried out from 19 July to 23 July and 28 July to 30 July. The work will be done between 7:00 p.m. and 05:30 a.m., and the noisiest stages will be completed before 22:00.

The rails are welded at night due to lower temperatures. The work phase also includes cutting and grinding the rails, which occasionally include short-term noise in the environment. Noise is controlled by noise control mats if necessary. The work is progressing about 18 meters a day.

In addition, the concrete casting of the tracks will be prepared on Otaniementie by positioning the rails on Thursday 15 July and on Monday 26.7. Work will begin at 4 a.m. The work uses wrenches that emit little noise to the surrounding area. Due to the rise in temperature, the preparations for the concrete castings on the track have to start in the morning hours.

More information on the progress of the work can be found at

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