
Next-gen 5G network being built at Otaniemi

At a later date, the network will be expanded to the city area, with companies in the sector being invited to participate in development.
Aalto University 5G testbed

Promising higher speeds and extreme reliability, 5G will be launched by the turn of the next decade, with a majority of its development being done in the next few years. Aalto University is participating in research work in several different areas of 5G and is currently building a test 5G network at Otaniemi in Espoo in co-operation with companies.

'5G is going to revolutionise wireless data transmission. Extremely reliable, 5G will usher in a whole new way of using mobile communications. Cloud-based technologies cut costs and increase the competition for services. This is a national pilot project, whose goal is to create a trial environment for the new technology,' explains Aalto University professor Raimo Kantola.

'This project is unique. It invites partners and developers to build the network that will respond to the extreme and diverse demands of the future. It is making 5G a reality, where our partners can use the common test network, test their components and applications to explore completely new solutions. This project will foster innovation and out-of-the-box thinking from students, start-ups, SMEs, etc. creating a unique ecosystem for the success of everyone involved. We make it possible by offering our partners the opportunity to test completely new use cases in an economically feasible way as they don’t need to invest in setting up their own system. We work together with leading hardware manufacturers and well-known SW companies and we warmly welcome new partners willing to shape 5G and the future technologies with us', emphasises Aalto University researcher and project co-ordinator Jose Costa-Requena.

5G to be built incrementally

Years of research conducted at the Department of Communications and Networking will be used in the project.

'We will be using the existing test network at Otaniemi as well as the completely new 5G radio network, which will be built alongside the existing network. A 5G core network will be built incrementally on top of the radio network using cloud technologies. We believe that this incremental approach will guarantee the best possible result,' adds Kantola.

Another aim of the 5G test network is to expand into the city area, where mobility and coverage areas are extremely challenging, such as in street tunnels.

The TAKE-5 project is part of the Tekes 5thGear programme and 5G Test Network Finland.

'Tekes is investing heavily in Finnish expertise in the 5G project and believes it will also attract worldwide interest, bring investments into Finland. TAKE-5 is part of an extensive programme, in which we seek new solutions and innovations across the entire digital spectrum in co-operation with companies and research institutions,' says Programme Manager Mika Klemettinen.

TAKE-5 is a Tekes-funded project, whose duration is three years. Aalto University, University of Helsinki, Tampere University of Technology and VTT are involved in the project. The companies currently involved are Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, Coriant Oy, Efore, EXFO, ECE, Rugged Tooling and Magister. Aalto University invites new partners to participate in developing new technologies and business models using 5G.

Further information:
Research Manager Jose Costa-Requena
Aalto University
tel. +358 (0)50 5770 142
[email protected]

Professor Raimo Kantola
Aalto University
tel. +358 (0)40 750 1636
[email protected]

Further information on the programme:
5GTN (

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