New year, new departments
From January 1 onwards, there have been three departments at the School of Chemical Engineering.
At the School of Chemical Engineering there are three departments which are:
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems
Biotuotteiden ja biotekniikan laitos
Institutionen för bioprodukter och bioteknik
Department of Chemistry and Materials Science
Kemian ja materiaalitieteen laitos
Institutionen för kemi och materialvetenskap
Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Kemian tekniikan ja metallurgian laitos
Institutionen för kemiteknik och metallurgi
From the beginning of this year, the English name of the School of Chemical Technology has been changed to the form “School of Chemical Engineering”. The name change is based on the idea of the name’s consistency with other schools of Aalto and with international practices.
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