
Nearly 400 alumni brought together by the Jaakko Honko Lecture

The public lecture brought the alumni to the School of Business to listen to Erkki Liikanen. In addition, the Jaakko Honko Medals were awarded at the event.

The School of Business organises the public lecture, which bears Chancellor Jaakko Honko’s name, once every two years. The lecture held on 4 April brought nearly 400 School of Business alumni together.

Governor of the Bank of Finland, Erkki Liikanen, acted as this year's lecturer. He lectured about the financial market and its control mechanisms with a particular focus on the time after the financial crisis of 2007. 

Erkki Liikanen: Rahoitusmarkkinat ja niiden sääntely kriisien jälkeen (Financial market and post-crisis control). The transcribed lecture (in Finnish) and the lecture Power Point presentation (in Finnish).

Jaakko Honko Medals

In addition to the lecture, the Jaakko Honko Medals were awarded. The medals are awarded to people who have remarkably contributed to research on economy or commercial and industrial life.

Awarded persons:

Matti Alahuhta, Doctor of Science, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Outotec Oyj and Devco Partners Oy
Elina Björklund, Chief Executive Officer, Reima
Seppo Ikäheimo, Professor, Aalto University School of Business, Department of Accounting
Pekka Ilmakunnas, Professor, Aalto University School of Business, Department of Economics
Seija Ilmakunnas, Director, Labour Institute for Economic Research
Risto Murto, Chief Executive Officer, Varma
Mikko Puhakka, Professor of Economics, University of Oulu
Björn Wahlroos, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sampo Group, UPM, Nordea

Receivers of the awards: Mikko Puhakka (left), Risto Murto, Seija and Pekka Ilmakunnas, Seppo Ikäheimo, Elina Björklund and Helsinki School of Economics Foundation Executive Director Arto Mäenmaa, Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation Managing Director Elli Dahl and Dean Ingmar Björkman. 

Jaakko Honko Lecture

The lecture named after Chancellor Jaakko Honko is organised in collaboration with the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation and the Helsinki School of Economics Foundation.

Jaakko Honko (1922-2006) was a professor at the Helsinki School of Economics, the predecessor of Aalto University School of Business, from 1960 and was later rector and chancellor 1969–1989. He did significant work in the development of economics and business practices. Professor Honko was also honorary chairman of the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation.

Governor of the Bank of Finland Erkki Liikanen

Bachelor of Political Science Erkki Liikanen has acted as the Governor of the Bank of Finland since 2004. His earlier titles include EU Commissioner, Ambassador and Minister of Finance. In addition, he is one of the longest-term members of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.

From his educational background, Erkki Liikanen is an economist. Liikanen holds the University of Helsinki degree of Bachelor of Political Science (economics). He has been conferred the degree of an Honorary Doctor by the Helsinki University of Technology (nowadays Aalto University) in 2003 and by the Aalto University School of Business in 2011.

Buffet service was enjoyed after the lecture. On the foreground, Economics Professor Juuso Välimäki (left) and Accounting Professor Seppo Ikäheimo in discussion.

Further information:
[email protected]

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