
Miloš Mladenović appointed Vice Dean for Research at the School of Engineering

The new Vice Dean began his term on 1 August.
Man standing in a metro station with a bike
Photo: Mikko Raskinen

The President of Aalto University Ilkka Niemelä has appointed Associate Professor Miloš Mladenović as the Vice Dean for Research at the School of Engineering. The term is five years, from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2029. The post was previously held by Professor Seppo Junnila

Mladenović is an Associate Professor in the Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering group at the Department of Built Environment. He is a well-recognized researcher and teacher with extensive and active international networks. He has worked at Aalto since 2014, and is currently leading the EIT MSc program in Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions.

Mladenović’s research focuses on the interaction between society and emerging mobility technologies, and the development of decision-support methods and planning processes. 

As Vice Dean, Mladenović will be responsible for supporting the Dean in all research related issues and driving their development. 

“The focus of my work will be on doctoral education and external funding – with an emphasis on further developing our research culture and processes. Besides that, I’m excited for the opportunity to learn new and develop further, while serving the community”, Mladenović says.

"I want to warmly welcome Milos to the school's management team and I'm looking forward to our collaboration", says Dean Kari Tammi

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