
Meet the data expert: Eeva Savolainen

Information specialist Eeva Savolainen participates in the research data support services of Aalto University as a member of Open Science and ACRIS team. Article series Meet the data expert introduces service personnel specialized in research data management support.
Tietoasiantuntija Eeva Savolainen / kuvaaja Vesa Kyllönen

Eeva Savolainen works as an information specialist in the Open Science and ACRIS team at the Aalto University. She has worked with research data management related issues since 2020.

What is your role in Aalto University data support? As a member of Open Science and ACRIS team, I participate in the research data support services of Aalto University. My duties also include communications, such as writing research data management related news items, updating the webpages and adding captions to training videos published on our Youtube channel.

What do you do in practice to help researchers with research data management? I review data management plans in the DMP review service of Aalto. I'm concentrating especially on the DMPs of the School of Business, but I also review the DMPs from other schools. I participate in preparing research data management trainings, and validate datasets in ACRIS (Aalto Current Research Information System). In addition, I help researchers with their questions related to research data management, or refer them to another expert, if needed.

Which aspects of research data management do you see especially interesting and/or important? At the moment I am especially interested in issues related to personal data, for example anonymisation. I recently attended the anonymisation workshop organized by Aalto's data agent Enrico Glerean, and it was really fascinating to get to know different tools which you can use to anonymise data.

What do you think is the most challenging aspect of research data management at Aalto University now? One of the challenges is how we could make our services as accessible as possible for the researchers.

Is there a tip on Aalto University research data support you would like to share? There is a bunch of training material available at our research data management training website and on our Youtube channel. And whenever you have a question, just contact [email protected], and we will help you!

Article series Meet the data expert introduces service personnel specialized in research data management support.

Research data management support is provided by a group of specialists of Aalto University. The group includes data agents based in schools and departments along with specialists from IT, Legal Services and Open Science and ACRIS team. This team of data experts can be contacted by sending e-mail to [email protected]

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