
Maintenance break in ACRIS on 18 October 2022

On 2022-10-18 from 10:00 to 20:00 there will be a maintenance break in ACRIS Research Information system. Research portal is available, but you can't update your information.

During the maintenance break, ACRIS will be updated to new version, and new features will be introduced.

Updates will improve system performance and fix some acknowledged bugs in the system. In every update, we will introduce also new features such as 

  • A possibility to add a gallery carousel to your personal profile page at Research portal to highlight your academic merits or artistic achievements, for example, a picture of your invited talk event. 
  • Embed media content on Research Outputs. The media content will be publicly available in the Aalto University’s Research portal.

More information about the new functionalities: ACRIS Instructions | Aalto University
We apologize for any inconvenience the break may cause. 
For more information, please contact ACRIS support at [email protected] 

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