
It’s time to benefit from EU Horizon 2020!

Is there a EU funding opportunity for your research idea?

EU Commission has now published the Work Programme for the last three years (2018-2020) of the Horizon 2020. Altogether, there is still 30 billion euros available for research and innovation projects.

How to find suitable funding calls?

  1. Please invite  research liaison officer /grant writer at your school to discuss on possibilities for your research field and interests.
  2. From the complied list of topics, you may find topics of your interest using specific key words.
  3. The complete Work Programme with all the sub-programmess is found in Participant Portal. See different subtopics under “Main WP”.

What is a Work Programme?

The Work Programme describes the contents of the funding calls, information on topics and project types, as well as on the schedules of the calls, and the allocated funding. The new Work Programme strives to take into account the interim evaluation of the Programme. The new features include measures to support market-creating innovation, highly integrated activities called focus areas, emphasis on better dissemination of results and a focus on open access to data. In addition, Commission is now piloting the European Innovation Council (EIC), which hosts instruments to support high-risk, high-gain innovation to create the markets of the future.        

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