Internal seed funding for project preparation, multidisciplinarity and international partnerships
Aalto Platforms are delivering internal funding to support multidisciplinary and international partnerships.
Please see more at Aalto Internal Seed funding call! Deadlines 9 Oct and 3 Nov.
In the previous rounds, funding has been granted to for example
- 3D printing in ceramics (Joint between ENG and ARTS)
- Building sustainable business in the circular bioeconomy from cascading wood (Joint between CHEM and BIZ)
- Acoustic virtual reality techniques for artistic projects (Joint between ELEC and ARTS)
- Luster, iridesenct coating on surfaces: From wood to structural color for the living environments (Joint between CHEM and ARTS)
Integrative Envisioning of Mobility Futures – A Citizen-Driven Mixed-Methods Approach (Joint between ENG and ARTS)
Mathematical Structures and Algorithms for Quantum Technologies (Joint between ELEC and SCI)
- Scaling blockchains for open IoT platforms (Joint between ENG and SCI)
- Energy Textiles (Joint between ARTS, SCI and CHEM)
- Internal mobility between CHEM and ELEC on Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of materials used in electromechanical energy conversion
Applying the funding is easy, so why not give a try!
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