
Hydromet at BatteRIes Europe in Brussels 24.6.2019

ETIP BatteRIes Europe officially launched at Brussels on 24.6.2019. The platform brings together all relevant stakeholders in the European batteries research and innovation ecosystem in order to develop and support a competitive battery value chain in Europe.
BatteRIes Europe
BatteRIes Europe

The European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) BatteRIes Europe officially launched at Brussels on 24.6.2019. The platform brings together all relevant stakeholders in the European batteries research and innovation ecosystem in order to develop and support a competitive battery value chain in Europe. During the June meeting in Brussels members from the industry, research community, national stakeholders and policy representatives gathered to discuss the future of European battery research and innovation. The day was filled with talks representing the whole battery value chain. Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission for the Energy Union also gave an inspiring talk about the work needed to build a strong European battery market.

BatteRIes Europe is divided into several groups, in which Prof. Mari Lundström is co-chair of the International working group on Raw materials and recycling due to the extensive work of the hydromet group in battery recycling e.g. in the BATCircle project. At the meeting BATCircle and the hydromet group were represented by Pertti Kauranen and Pyry Hannula at the recycling work group session.

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