How does technology impact security?
The person behind the lecture series is Professor Jarno Limnéll, who believes that technology will change practically everything that affects the security of societies, companies as well as people's daily lives.
'In the future, security related to technology and digitalisation will gain even more significance than today. At the same time, we should keep ethics in mind. I believe that ethical questions will be at the core of the discussion on the future of technology,' he says.
Jarno Limnéll participates actively in social dialogue and is often featured in the media as an expert of security-related questions. This lecture series taking place this autumn is the fourth time he gathers experts and the public together to discuss issues related to technology and security. He thinks that it is important that experts are not the only ones thinking about security issues.
'Security is a basic need that is relevant for us all, and I believe it is important to have as many people as possible to join this discussion and the possible precautionary measures. We also have to remember that one of professors' tasks is social influencing, so I see it as my duty to participate in the society's discussion on security.'
The lecture series have been rewarding also for the planner and organiser.
'For me, the biggest revelation in the earlier lecture series was the amount of positive actions related to the development of technology and security that are taking place in Finland. It is great that we can use this lecture series to share some of them in a wider context of the Finnish society.'
Internet Forum lecture series begins on 19 September at 5.15 p.m. The lectures are open to all. Welcome! The programme can be found here >>