Highlights from DigiSummit in Berlin
The two-day event highlighted current policy priorities, ongoing research projects and company cooperation around both countries’ digital agendas and Industry 4.0 in particular. Specific topics on the agenda included Smart Data, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Internet, Smart Infrastructures, platforms and standard creation processes.
The DigiSummit has resulted in concrete priorities and action points to enhance cooperation and tasks between the two EU countries. It also served as a platform for information exchange between researchers, governments and companies spurring new discussion, joint work and finding new perspectives on common topics.
The selected priorities and action areas will also be highlighted at the EU-level and in EU and national research projects such as the IoT Large-Scale Pilots, Platfrom Value Now (PVN) and Digital Disruption of Industry (DDI), represented at the event by professors from Aalto University.
Ilkka Lakaniemi of Aalto University School of Business, CKIR and the Finnish Chamber of Commerce, who co-organised the event and represented SynchroniCity IoT Large-Scale Pilot project, said: “As one of the IoT Large-Scale Pilots, SynchroniCity offers not only insights and best practices for public-private sector cooperation, but also models for cross-border smart city interactions as well as a roadmap for standardisation for smart regional and city-level initiatives.”
The DigiSummit event in Berlin brought together extensive experience and knowledge: representatives from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, the Finnish Ministry for Economic Affairs, the German Chamber of Commerce, the Finnish Chamber of Commerce, Platform Industrie 4.0, Business Finland, Aalto University, Fraunhofer and several large enterprises and SMEs conducting business and research in both countries.
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