Funding for open access publishing
In addition to advancing open access publishing, the fund aims to collect information about current practices at Aalto.
Conditions for the OA Fund
- The OA fund funds open access publishing of journal and conference articles only (i.e. APC charges). Open access publishing of books or illustration fees are not supported by the fund.
- Access in gold open access journals is funded provided that the Jufo (Publication Forum) classification is 1, 2 or 3, and the journal is included in the DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals for quality journals
- Access in hybrid model journals that carry a subscription fee are funded provided that the Jufo classification is 2 or 3.
- Approved expenses must be processed during 2018 even if the publication becomes open during 2019. The fund does not fund backdated publications from previous years.
The OA Fund reserves department-specific quotas for open access publishing expenses. The quota depends on the publishing activity of the department in the previous few years. The quotas are available here. The head of department will have authority over the use of the department quota, but we would like to remind that:
- In externally funded projects the APC expenses can be included in project expenses in which case we recommend that the department's OA quota is used only if external funding is not available or the project has been completed.
- The final article or approved draft can often be made openly accessible in the University institutional repository via the ACRIS system (green open access) immediately or after a short embargo period. The Open Access and ACRIS team can advise about the process: [email protected]
Researcher, are you interested in the funding?
Before making a publishing agreement make sure the publication meets the above mentioned funding conditions. The Learning Centre’s (previously the Library) license agreements may contain discounts into APC-charges of journals. You should therefore discuss the payment method of the APC-charge with the head of department and the person responsible for the finances in the department. Is there project funding available, or is funding available from your department's OA quota for your publication? The Open Access and ACRIS team monitors any remaining department quotas available. Do not hesitate to ask further information: [email protected]
Procedures for Aalto departments
- Discuss the above issues beforehand with the Open Access and ACRIS team.
- The department initially pays the publisher’s fee.
- The person responsible for the department's finance charges the Open Access and ACRIS team with an internal invoice with reference U20012/974112/Laura Mure. The internal invoice should include the permission from the head of department, the name of department, journal name, authors of the article and the article title. Include also a Qlickview report that indicates the project from which the payment to the publisher has been made from.
- The Open Access and ACRIS team checks the internal invoice.
Persons responsible for department finances can check details of financial transactions from: [email protected]
Gold model journals are searchable from DOAJ database (
JournalTOC database keeps a record of hybrid model journals (
How to use ACRIS for opening publications? See
What are individual journals’ perspectives on opening publications in ACRIS (institutional repository)? See
Publication Forum (
Glossary of terms
APC charge = Article Processing Charge refers to a charge per article paid to a publisher in open access publishing
Gold model journal = Journal with a business model purely based on APC charges per article. Generally all articles published in the journal are openly accessible.
Hybrid model journal = Journal with a business model based on both APC charges and subscription fees. In the journal open access articles are limited to those where the separate APC charge has been paid. Reading the other content in the journal usually requires a license agreement paid for instance by a university.
Green open access = Access is made possible for instance by opening the article draft in a university repository in line with the publisher’s conditions. This type of access does not require separate payments to publishers. Almost all international publishers allow this type of open access with their own conditions. At Aalto these parallel publications are deposited into the ACRIS system.
Jufo classification = Publication Forum is a classification of publication channels created by the Finnish scientific community to support the quality assessment of academic research
Predatory open access journal = Some journals have controversial publishing motives, namely they collect open access fees without a legitimate peer review process. Predatory open access is openly discussed in the scientific community.
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