
Funding for Finland-India educational collaboration

The project is coordinated by Prof. Robin Ras from Aalto University School of Science.

The “FIN-IIT Double Degrees” project receives 40 000 euro funding from CIMO (Centre for International Mobility). CIMO is an agency of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture to promote internationalisation of education in a variety of ways.

The collaboration with Indian Institutes of Technology is set as a high priority at national and at university level. Aalto University School of Science aims to align the procedures for obtaining double doctoral degrees between an Indian Institute of Technology and a Finnish university. The projects partners for “FIN-IIT Double Degrees” are Indian Institute of Technology Madras (Chennai) and University of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics. In addition to the benchmark of procedures for doctoral degrees, the project partners will implement student and staff exchanges, summer school and intensive course activities during the project.

Aalto has a very long tradition to host Indian students and researchers on its campus and therefore the Indian student community is probably the largest foreign student community in Finland.

Further information:

Professor Robin Ras
[email protected]
Aalto University School of Science
Department of Applied Physics

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