
Finnish Summer Courses at University of Helsinki, reg. starts 4 April

Aalto University staff can attend Finnish Courses organised by the University of Helsinki Language Services.

Course information

The courses take place between June and August and come in several difficulty levels. For course details, please see University of Helsinki’s own Finnish courses information.

Course fees

The 200 euro course fee is paid by the Aalto staff member’s unit or department.

Sign up

Binding registration starts 4 April 2018 10 am, and is conducted by filling in this form:

Please note that the courses are very popular, so you should sign up sooner rather than later.

Before enrolling you should agree with your supervisor or team leader about committing to the course fee. You must also give your department’s or unit’s cost centre name and number on the registration form.

Additional information

Your queries are answered at [email protected]

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