
Finland 100 video series – visual stories of Game Changers

The predecessors of Aalto University have acted as a seedbed for the Game Changers of the Finnish society already since 1850.

One of the Game Changers presented in Aalto University's Finland 100 video series is designer Maija Itkonen. See the other videos at

Aalto’s Finland 100 video series presents these Game Changers – people and their ideas, companies and innovations – that have all, in their own way, influenced the societal development in Finland. Indeed, these creators have not lacked creativity, courage nor ideas!

One example of these visionary players is Professor and chemist Gustaf Komppa, one of the founders of the pharmaceutical group Orion, established one hundred years ago. Another example tells the story of Amer Sports, a company that originates from the startup of economists and technicians – a great demonstration of multidisciplinary co-operation!

Today's success stories in the video series include the leading manufacturer of flexible carbon nanomaterial films, Canatu, a company that took off from the state-of-the art materials' research at Aalto.  Another video presents designer Maija Itkonen, known for Powerkiss recharger and pulled-oats.

Let the videos impress you! – All the Game Changer videos and the timeline about Aalto University´s 150-year-old history are available at

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