Filip Tuomisto new Director of the Helsinki Institute of Physics Technology Programme
The goal of the technology programme is to support technology cooperation and transfer between CERN and Finland and to create connections between the scientific and technological research performed in CERN and elsewhere.
The Helsinki Institute of Physics is a physics research institute operated jointly by University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta University of Technology, and Tampere University of Technology. The research activity at the institute covers an extensive range of subjects in theoretical physics and experimental subatomic physics.
The mandate of the institute is to carry out and facilitate research in basic and applied physics as well as in physics research and technology development at international accelerator laboratories. The institute is responsible for the Finnish research collaboration with CERN. CERN and HIP offer several possibilities for summer jobs and thesis work in research and development projects to Aalto University students every year.
For more information:
Helsinki Institute of Physics:
Filip Tuomisto, Professor
Department of Applied Physics
Antimatter and Nuclear Engineering
Aalto University