
Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Foundation grants awarded for the year 2020

Grants from the Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Foundation were presented as part of the Aalto University Civil Engineering Day event on 6 February 2020 at the Department of Civil Engineering.
Fabian ja Jaakko Ahvenaisen apurahan saajat 2020: Dinh Tran_Zemenu Abebe_Jami Qvisen_Herman Morander_Miika Koljonen_Toni Makkonen_Foto: Teemu Ojala
In picture from left to right: Tran Dinh, Abebe Zemenu, Jami Qvisen, Hermanni Morander, Miika Koljonen and Toni Makkonen_Foto: Teemu Ojala

Every year, the Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Foundation awards grants and recognition awards to students of bridge engineering and structural engineering and building physics as well as to recent master’s or doctoral graduates from the same fields of study. This year, a total of 11 000 € was awarded in grants to the following: 

  • Zemenu Abebe (structural engineering and building physics), 2000 €
  • Miika Koljonen(bridge engineering), 2000 €
  • Toni Makkonen(bridge engineering/structural engineering and building physics), 2000 €
  • Hermanni Morander(bridge engineering), 2000 €
  • Tran Ðình(structural engineering and building physics), 2000 €
  • Jami Qvisen(bridge engineering), 1000 €

Grounds for the grant awarded to TranÐình was a master’s degree completed with exceptional merit. Abebe and Makkonen were awarded grants for their master’s theses, which received the highest grade, and their study performance. Koljonen and Morander were awarded grants for meritorious theses and study performance. Qvisen was given a recognition award for recent study performance and for demonstrating a strong interest in bridge engineering.

Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Fund

The Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Fund awards grants and recognition awards annually to Master's degree students and post-graduate students of the Aalto University School of Engineering as well as persons who recently completed their Master's or postgraduate degrees and familiarized with bridge engineering or structural engineering and building physics in their studies at Aalto University.

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Dipoli / kuvaaja: Tuomas Uusheimo
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