EIT InnoEnergy plays pivotal role within the European Battery Alliance
The European Battery Alliance (EBA) was launched in October 2017 by European Commission Vice President, Maroš Šefčovič to allow all Europeans to benefit from safer traffic, less polluting vehicles and more advanced technological solutions, while creating a competitive sustainable battery cell manufacturing value chain in Europe – a market with an estimated annual value of up to €250 billion by 2025.
EIT InnoEnergy is working with more than 120 stakeholders of the industrial and research battery ecosystem from across Europe and beyond – covering the entire battery value chain from design, to production, manufacture and installation.
EIT InnoEnergy is proud to be instrumental in achieving this European ambition, and ready to be a driving force behind the actions identified, in close cooperation with the European Commission services. Concrete investment projects have already been identified in the ecosystem we have set up, that EIT InnoEnergy will strongly support, as co-investor or facilitator.
Find out more:
- The “Europe on the move” third package: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/road/news/2018-05-17-europe-on-the-move-3_en
- The European Battery Alliance: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/policy/european-battery-alliance_en
- The Strategic Action Plan on Batteries: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/sites/transport/files/3rd-mobility-pack/com20180293-annex2_en.pdf
- The role of EIT InnoEnergy in the European Battery Alliance: http://www.innoenergy.com/eit-innoenergys-role-within-the-european-battery-alliance/
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