Diacor and Terveystalo to merge 1.6.2017 – Aalto’s health services unchanged
Also the health care centres and Aalto doctors and nurses remain the same after the merger.
Occupational healthcare appointments are taken care of at the same clinics as before: there is a designated health centre for each campus, and employees should primarily use the health centre designated for their campus. The name of the health centres will be Terveystalo in June 2017:
- Otaniemi: Diacor Otaniemi --> Terveystalo Aalto-yliopiston työterveys, add. Metallimiehenkuja 2 and Diacor Tapiola à Terveystalo Tapiola add. Länsituuli 7
- Töölö: Diacor keskusta --> Terveystalo Keskusta, add. Keskuskatu 7
- Arabia: Diacor Alppikatu --> Terveystalo Alppikatu, add. Alppikatu 2 B.
At Mikkeli and Pori campuses the Terveystalo health centres are:
- Terveystalo Mikkeli, add. Maaherrankatu 19
- Terveystalo Pori, add. Itsenäisyydenkatu 33.
In acute cases, you may use the nearest Terveystalo health centre.
As usual the occupational health services are available from Monday to Friday according to the opening hours of the health centre designated for campus, however not later than 9 pm. The services are not available after 9 pm, weekends nor midweek holidays. Also in acute cases occupational health care services are available from Monday to Friday according to the opening hours of health centre, however not later than 9 pm.
Diacor’s appointment booking service is available by May 31, 2017 at www.diacor.fi or by phone (09) 7750 800. As of June 1, 2017 the booking service is provided by Terveystalo by phone 030 6000 or at www.terveystalo.com. The appointment can also be booked through the online service Oma Terveys 24/7 or through a mobile application.
Youcan check your medical records for ex. results of blood tests, allergies and validity of prescriptions in the online service Oma Terveys 24/7. DiacorPlus online service will be replaced by the Oma Terveys 24/7 as of June 1, 2017. More information on the Oma Terveys 24/7.
The medical records will be transferred to Terveystalo by the autumn 2017. For this reason the medical records can only be seen at the Aalto health centres until the transferring records to the patient information system of Terveystalo has been done. The transferring records does not require any proceedings from Aalto employees. However, they ask the permission for the transferring at appointments in the occupational health care. You can give the permission for the transferring medical records also in the online service Oma Terveys 24/7.
The customers of the occupational health care services at Terveystalo get also some benefits when the service is not covered by the Aalto health care contract, such as dentist services at lower price, reductions when buying products of Yliopiston Apteekki in the online shop. To get benefits is free of charge. More information on the benefits.
Additional information on the occupational health care services and the merger between Diacor and Terveystalo:
- Elisa Autti, tel. 050 550 2007 or [email protected]
- HR at schools and departments
- Inside
- https://www.terveystalo.com/fi/Asiakkaana/Terveystalo-ja-Diacor-yhdistyvat/
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