Are you aware of the modern cyber threats and your own role as part of your organization's defense? Can you identify the modern cyber threats? What about the risks associated with the threats and how you can influence Aalto's information security through your own actions and the right ways of working?
For all these, you can find out more in Aalto's personnel cyber security training sessions, and get answers to your questions about cyber security. There is Adobe Connect connection in two sessions.
Content of training
In training, you will get to know the world of hackers to understand against what and why to protect. In addition, training covers secure working practices and methods that everyone can apply for their own work.
The training covers the following themes:
- The anatomy of cyber attack
- Modern cyber threats
- People under attack
- Secure working practices
- Clean table principles
- Top 10 tips to prevent data losses
- Questions and answers
You can participate any training session suitable for you, trainings are organized both in Finnish and English.
Trainer: Silverskin
Koulutusajankohdat / Training schedules:
- Pe 9.3 10-12 Töölö Runeberginkatu 14–16 C-350 Suomi
- To 15.3 10-12 Otaniemi Maarintie 8 TU1 English Adobe Connect
- Pe 16.3 9-11 Otaniemi Otakaari 1 U4 (U142) induktiosilmukka Suomi
- Ke 28.3 9-11 Arabia Hämeentie 135 Iso luentosali 822 Suomi
- To 5.4 9-11 Otaniemi Rakentajanaukio 4 R1 (160a) Suomi Adobe Connect
- Pe 6.4 13-15 Otaniemi Otakaari 1 U3 (U141) induktiosilmukka English
- Published:
- Updated:
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