In the future, we will regularly notify you of key undertakings and projects in Inside, on our website (, social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)) and also by email.
What’s new in May 2017?
Internal Aalto moves
Early this year, we have carried out several, extensive moves on the campus. The largest of these have now been completed mainly according to plan.
A summary of the moves and new locations:
- School of Electrical Engineering: Otakaari 5 -> TUAS, T-building, Otakaari 3 and OIH
- Aalto Studios and the Department of Film, Television and Scenography: Arabia -> Otakaari 7
- Department of Built Environment: Innopoli 3, Otakaari 3 and Rakentajanukio 4 -> Otakaari 4/K1
- Aalto Start-Up Center: Salmisaari -> OIH
- Learning Services: -> Tietotalo and Otakaari 1
- Water laboratory - more compact premise
- Department of Computer Science and Department of Industrial Engineering and Management – more compact premises
Joint services is moving to Dipoli soon. We will tell you more of this and other moves occurring during the summer and later in the year in upcoming newsletters.
Renting projects on the campus
Otakaari 5 (formerly School of Electrical Engineering) will host the newly founded A Grid, a centre for growth companies and corporate cooperation. A Grid brings together accelerators and other businesses, and provides offices for dozens of small businesses. The centre will also be used to pilot practices that can help open the university’s technologies for business use. This project is being carried out in phases, with the first phase being completed in autumn of 2017. Fortum has moved into the Otakaari 5 high-voltage hall, and will begin operating there in May. Up-to-date information on the Otakaari 5 site is available in our online portal at (username: otakaari 5, password: otakaari 5).
Roughly 6,000 m2 of office space is being built above Aalto University metro station. Of the rental premises, 90% are already leased. The Metro Centre hosts HOK-Elanto, Ruokakesko Oy, Esport Arena Oy and Fazer Food Services Oy as core tenants. Other, announced operators will be restaurants Konnichiwa and Fafa’s, coffee house concept Espresso House, and the Jungle Juice Bar. More tenants will be announced over the course of the spring on the ACRE website. The remaining special premises in the Metro Centre will be rented out during 2017.
Construction and development projects
Large construction projects on the campus are proceeding on schedule. Interior work on Dipoli is in the finishing phase, with outdoor work continuing over spring to be completed before the new semester. If you want to keep up to date on the Väre and Maarintie 13 sites, subscribe to the site’s weekly newsletter here:
A service design project has been launched for the development of the K-block in cooperation with ACRE, users and external partners. Background work will take place as interviews and common workshops wit users for the area design. If you want to be involved in the development of this area, additional information is available from Riikka Manninen ([email protected]). The service design project report will be complete in mid-June.
Property maintenance
Aalto University and Aalto CRE worked together to produce the indoor air processing model that was introduced at the beginning of April.
In Aalto University, the starting point is a working environment that is healthy and safe for all, in all the campus buildings. We have developed our activities together in such a way that each deviation in the indoor conditions is handled using a predetermined, clear, and efficient process. This ensures that everyone receives equal treatment.
Sustainable development
The Aalto CRE energy efficiency team has been transformed into the sustainable development team early this year. Their mission is, among other things, to promote energy efficiency, a reduction in the carbon footprint, and responsible, sustainable development on the campus. It consists of a wide representation of different Aalto units, as well as student members. They aim to involve users in mutual development in the form of, for example, joint development as well as other involvement methods. Read more about Aalto CRE’s sustainable development activities at
What is Aalto CRE?
Aalto University Campus & Real Estate maintains, develops and rents out Aalto University premises at Otaniemi and Töölö. We provide various user services, and act as a link between property service providers and tenants.
We develop the Otaniemi campus in phases in a financially, socially and ecologically sustainable way. Transformation in the area can be physically seen as various construction, renovation and modification projects. We carry out the university’s space use policies, and bring together the best operators to create a multifunctional, cross-disciplinary campus. We use shared spaces to enable interaction and the creation of new, internationally significant ideas. We also rent and build shared spaces to third parties outside of the university in order for stakeholders to work with the university and each other.
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