
Construction of additional parking areas

Additional parking areas will be built starting from week 40 (beginning of October) in the Maari campus section behind OIH and the TUAS building.

 See the attached map of the construction site.

The work will mainly consist of earth-moving, which will require some heavy traffic in the area. The construction site will be closed from regular traffic, but it will not affect any current traffic routes.

The work will continue until the end of 2017. The contractor is Jokioisten Maanrakennus Oy.

The schedule for opening the new parking areas and information on any restrictions for parking will be announced later.

For further information, please contact:

A-Insinöörit, Olli Olkkonen, [email protected], tel. 0400 853300

Aalto CRE, Jarmo Wilander, [email protected]

Jokioisten Maanrakennus Oy, Mika Breilin, [email protected]

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