Chemkin initiation-- Guest lecture given by Professor Olivier Herbinet
This lecture includes how to start your work with Chemkin software and three useful case study. This lecture is a part of the E7135 Reactor Design.
Outline of the lecture:
1. Short presentation of the user interface
2. Creation of a workspace
3. Case studies:
a) Ignition delay time of NH3
b) Rate of production and sensitivity analysis in a PSR for NH3 oxidation
c) Laminar flame velocity of H2/NH3 mixtures in air
Time: 10.15, March 7th, 2022
Location: Lecture Hall Ke4. Zoom meeting is available. Please join with this link:
Duration: 2 hours and 15 minutes
Presenter Information
Olivier Herbinet
Olivier Herbinet (male) is an Associate Professor at the University of Lorraine since 2007. He is a specialist in the use of continuous flow reactors (e.g., jet-stirred reactor and flow tube reactors) for the study of gas-phase reactions (oxidation and pyrolysis) of organic compounds, using a wide range of diagnostics from gas chromatography to mass spectrometry with ionization using synchrotron radiation. These studies led to 82 peer-reviewed publications (h-factor = 31 (WoS)).
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