
Call for proposals 2022 / Innovation / EIT Urban Mobility

Call for proposals 2022 / Innovation / EIT Raw Materials
Call opening: 18.3.21 / Call deadline: end of May 21

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Emma Kemppainen at Aalto campus
Cooperation, Studies Published:

Emma Kemppinen: Semiconductor industry offers a lot of opportunities both in industry and academia

Emma got her summer job in a research group thanks to donations from companies in the semiconductor industry. The summer job confirmed her interest in the field.
Cooperation Published:

Seeds of Bravery, supporting the Ukrainian Tech Ecosystem

Aalto Startup Center and CKIR are proud to announce our collaboration with a new project, UASEEDs, promoting Ukrainian startups and innovation!
Euroclear-tiimi räätälöidyssä yritysprojektissa
Cooperation, Studies Published:

Students explored Finnish ESG market and business opportunities for Euroclear Finland

The students conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current ESG market, both from a reporting perspective and a data-provider angle
Suvi Hirvonen-Ere
Press releases, Research & Art Published:

Public defence: Why has the sustainability break-through been lagging, and how could it be accelerated, and gain profitable business growth?

Suvi Hirvonen-Ere proposes that commercial and contract management will be utilized to accelerate both sustainability targets and economically profitable business growth in the corporate world