Best Paper Award for Acoustics Lab Professor Sebastian J. Schlecht at WASPAA conference
Aalto Acoustics Lab's new Professor Sebastian J. Schlecht received the Award for the Best Paper at the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) in New Paltz, New York, USA. This two-and-a-half-day workshop is devoted to reviewing the current state of the art as well as recent advances in signal processing with emphasis on its applications to audio and acoustics.
For this paper, Prof. Schlecht, who recently joined Aalto University as the Professor of Practice for Sound in Virtual Reality, collaborated with Prof. Emanuël A. P. Habets from the International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Germany. The paper, which is entitled "Dense Reverberation With Delay Feedback Matrices," solves a more than fifty-year-old problem in artificial reverberation.
In virtual room acoustics, sound reflections at walls, ceiling, and floor are modeled computationally. Until now, it was challenging to include scattering-like effects caused by rough surfaces into the simulation efficiently. The innovative proposal introduces an incoherent feedback matrix while maintaining the computational efficiency and system stability.
Read the article here.
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